The Ulm Sparrow



How a sparrow helped the people of Ulm

In the city of Ulm, there is an exciting legend about the Ulm sparrow. Have you ever heard of the Ulm sparrow? This story is not just about a little bird, but also about the people who live in this city and their tireless spirit.

The Ulm Sparrow

Many, many years ago, when the city of Ulm was still young, the people decided to build a large and beautiful cathedral. It was to be the tallest tower in the whole country and everyone was very excited. The people of Ulm brought in the best craftsmen and began to cut down large and strong trees from the forests. The trunks were thick and heavy and they were proud that their building would be so large and magnificent.

But when the people of Ulm pushed the first logs in front of the city gate, the impossible happened: The logs did not fit through the narrow gate! The people were desperate. “What are we going to do?” cried a carpenter. Some suggested tearing down the gate, but no one wanted to, because the gate was beautiful and protected the city.

At that moment, a wise man looking up in the air noticed a small sparrow flying around. “Look, there’s a sparrow! Maybe he has an idea!” he called out. Everyone watched excitedly as the sparrow found a long stalk and flew to its nest.

The little sparrow was nimble and skillful. It pulled the stalk through a small hole in its nest without getting caught. The people were amazed and looked at each other. “We can try that too!” exclaimed a woman.

The Ulmers quickly gathered their strength and lifted the first logs again. This time they did not hold them crosswise, but pulled them lengthwise through the gate. And indeed! With a bit of skill, they managed to get the logs through. The people cheered and clapped enthusiastically. The clever sparrow had taught them an important lesson: Sometimes you just need a different angle to solve a problem!

Work on the cathedral was now progressing, but it would be many years before the building was completed. Decades passed and the tower slowly grew higher and higher. The people of Ulm worked tirelessly, and there were many ups and downs. The city thrived on the joy of building, and many generations witnessed the progress of the cathedral.

When the cathedral was finally completed in 1890 after more than 500 years, it was beautiful! The people of Ulm were so proud of their work that they decided to honor the little sparrow who had helped them. They placed a golden monument to him at the top of the tower. It sparkled in the sun and reminded the people that you can always find a clever plan, no matter how big the problem.

From that day on, the people of Ulm became known as “sparrows”. And to this day, the golden sparrow can be seen twinkling on the cathedral as it watches over the city and reminds people that sometimes you have to be small and clever to achieve great things.